Ground awareness within your body, bring a pleasant thought or memory to mind and observe the feeling tone in your body change to develop insight into specific conditionality.
This investigation develops the ability to separate pleasant feeling tone (vedana) from sensation and observe its function as a sorting mechanism of the mind (to signal safe). This requires earlier training in sensitivity to body sensations and enough samadhi and insight as to not to get entangled with the experience.
Pleasant feeling tone can be observed by bringing to mind a happy memory or thought. As you do this notice that a feeling of pleasantness appears in your body as a reflection of the contact between attention and the thought or memory.
Separating out a feeling tone from what is being experienced is like separating the texture of a banana as you eat it, from its overall flavour/taste. Bodily sensations are the texture, feeling tone (vedana) is the flavour of that experience.
Step 1: Prepare your attention for insight.
Step 2: Bring a pleasant memory to mind.
Step 4: Bring to mind a pleasant thought.
Step 5: Smile & soften into the pleasantness.
Step 6: Reground awareness into your body.
Through this investigation, we can observe how the mind sort's memories by attaching vedana (feeling tone) to them. When attention contacts the memory, the feeling tone attached to it releases in the body.
We can also notice how the 'worldly' pleasant feeling tone leaves a feeling of lack, of wanting more or not having enough. We can also observe how it fades as the attention resting on it is softened and that as we continue to soften, the 'worldly' pleasant feeling tone is replaced by a 'meditative' pleasant feeling tone produced by the quality and structure of attention itself.
From this we get a glimpse of where liberation is found.
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