Ground awareness within your body, bring a past or future memory to mind, observe the feeling tone in your body change to observe the conditional relationship between mind, body and feeling tone to develop insight into specific conditionality.
CAUTION: These investigations involve intentionally triggering unpleasant feeling tone, in this way meditation can become very real. Be cautious and only do this with guidance from a skilled teacher and/or with appropriate training in softening, samadhi and insight.
This investigation develops understanding of the role between attention, bodily sensations and feeling tone as a reflection of whether attention is sitting on past memory, future thought or present experience.
Advantages of this are:
In this meditation, you continue to observe the habitual patterns within your mind by intentionally directing your attention towards past, present and future in a methodical way to observe changes within your body sensations and feeling tone in relationship to these.
Step 1: Prepare your attention for insight.
Step 2: Observe what it feels like to be present.
Step 3: Bring a pleasant memory to mind.
Observe what the past feels like.
Step 4: Observe what the future feels like.
Step 5: Observe what the present feels like.
Step 6: Repeat with an unpleasant memory or thought.
Repeat this process of experiencing past, present & future with an unpleasant memory of thought and apply the GOSS Formula towards softening any resistance that you feel.
GOSS: Ground > Observe > Soften > Smile.
Take interest in the focus of your attention and the changing landscape of sensations within your body. Be curious in regard to the underlying feeling: pleasant, unpleasant or neutral in regard to past, present and future focused attention.
Observe the undeniable urge to escape from unpleasant feeling, to search for pleasant feeling and to stop paying attention when neutral feeling is present.
You are ready to progress to Insight 09: Pleasant Feeling when:
Please note that the recording and video for the practicality of instruction uses kaya-gata sati (mindfulness immersed within the body) as a foundation for enquiry for practical reasons rather than access unification or jhana.
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