Then, Bāhiya, here is how you should train: In the seen, there will be just the seen; .....When there is, for you, in the seen just the seen; ........ then you are not by that. When you are not by that, then you are not there. When you are not there, then you are neither here nor beyond, nor in between the two. Just this is the end of suffering. (The Buddha Udāna 1.10)
Back: Insight 28: Mindfulness of Awareness.
Next: Insight 30: Mindfulness of Hearing.
During this meditation, you develop your sensitivity to movements of attention towards the experience of the sense door of sight by rotating between closed and open eyes to observe and develop an inclination in your mind to disentangle awareness from habitual grasping of the seen.
Learning to observe awareness of seeing creates a grounding for mindfulness within daily life and also the ability to observe attraction or aversion as they arise towards what is seen.
This sensitivity allows you to soften into your relationship towards what is seen, deconditioning any habitual attraction or aversion through mindful non-participation.
Step 1: Sit in meditation, gently closing your eyes.
Step 2: Establish mindfulness of your body as you sit in meditation.
Step 3: Bring awareness to your eyes and observe and visual experience that arises like images or light. Use some slow softening breaths to soften any interaction with them.
Step 4: Slowly open your eyes and observe the visual world appear.
Step 5: Slowly look around the room and observe how your eyes automatically focus on different objects. Notice any attraction towards some sights and aversion towards others. Observe the effort and soften any subtle attraction or aversion.
Step 6: Soften the effort of looking into the knowing of seeing allowing your eyelids to gently close and observe how the visual world disappears.
Step 7: Slowly open your eyes, observe the visual world appear again. Soften looking into pure seeing and carry this off the meditation cushion into your daily life until you forget to do it.
Step 8: Disentangle your awareness from the sensory world by developing nirvikalpa samadhi (stillness) as in Meditation 43 for the rest of your meditation session, continuing to incline your mind towards letting go of sensory experiencing.
You are ready to progress to Insight 30: Mindfulness of Hearing when:
You can clearly experience:
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Insight Timer App: Guided Meditation.
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