Allow your eyelids lids to droop close, partially open them and allow them to droop close again, repeating until they won't open and observing the effect this has on your mind.
CAUTION: Development of skill in this technique involves intentionally triggering unpleasant feeling tone, in this way meditation can become very real. Be cautious and only do this with guidance from a skilled teacher and/or appropriate training in softening, samadhi and insight.
The MIDL Method of Relaxing the Eyelids is the subtle skill of relaxing your eyelids and eyes to directly bring about deep relaxation within your mind. There is a direct correlation between the alertness of the eyes & eyelids and hyper-vigilance of the fight / flight response.
When in a hyper alert state due anxiety or trauma the eyes open wider searching for danger. Relaxing the eyelids and intensity of 'looking' has the effect of temporarily turning off this fight / flight response and allowing the mind to find safety within the experience of Stillness.
During this process deep healing can occur. Observe effect on your mind with the gradual relaxing of your eyelids. Take interest in how your body conditions your mind and how your mind conditions your body. Observe how this softening door affects the intellectual functioning of the mind.
Meditation Instructions:
Application During Meditation:
You are ready to progress to Insight 16: Relaxing Frontal Lobes when:
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